Fire Police


In the State of New Jersey Fire Police were created by legislation in1883 (PL1883,P201) when it was recognized that there was a need to have protection and assistance for the firefighters responding to an emergency. There have been several amendments to the original law, the most recent was in 1998 (PL1998-S402).

Any duly organized volunteer fire company may provide for the appointment of certain of it's members to perform certain police duties at fires and drills for a term of office not exceeding five years. Such members shall qualify by taking and subscribing to an oath that they will justly, impartially and faithfully discharge their duties to the best of their ability and understanding. The oath shall be administered by the municipal clerk within the jurisdiction that the fire company is authorized to provide emergency services.

Duties and Jurisdiction

The duties of Fire Police are to protect life, property and contents (including the preservation of evidence), establish and maintain fire lines and perform such traffic control activities as necessary to affect the above. Fire Police have all the powers and authority of their office anywhere in the county in which they are appointed. They may cross municipal or township lines and still retain jurisdiction when on active duty. They have the full power of their office outside the county in which they are appointed, if called to the outside county by the proper authority. All Lumberton Fire Police are issued badges and photo identification cards.


All Lumberton Fire Department Fire Police have been certified by the State of New Jersey Division of Fire Safety and the Burlington County Fire Academy. They also attend regularly scheduled drills and receive on the job training.