Ladies Auxiliary

The Ladies Auxiliary was formed as a group that would nurture and support all the department families and extend to the community in times of crisis. The group seeks members among the female relatives of the employees of the department. Officers are elected annually.

While the bylaws require that the auxiliary hold at least one fund raiser per year and one family oriented function per year, much more is accomplished by this dedicated group of women.

The goal is to establish a rapport among families so that they will feel comfortable calling on the auxiliary in times of need. Meals are delivered to families who experience a death in the immediate family or when a member has a prolonged illness or surgery. A birth into the fire department family is always cause for celebration.

The Ladies Auxiliary also plays an important role in fund raising activities. Each year, thousands of dollars are raised through a combined effort of the firefighters and the Ladies Auxiliary. The residents of Lumberton do an excellent job of supporting this cause.

President: Debbie Swain
Vice President: Joan Sleeper
Recording Secretary: Joan Benedict
Treasurer: Grace Ann Swain
Corresponding Secretary: Melissa Pearson
Chaplain: Laurie Pearson
Laurie Pearson
Kim Swain
Stella Warwick